I think it is probably worth a quick explanation of what my vision is for this whole thing. Zig Zag Society is named just as literally as it is figuratively. It's a club for people who zig zag all over the spectrum getting involved in as many things as they can possibly get their hands on. A collection of pure curiosity and infatuation in a myriad of subjects, both physical and intellectual. The best term I've come across for this personality type is multipotentialite, which is defined as someone with many interests and creative pursuits. ZZS is exactly that. Try anything and everything, be unapologetically you and express yourself while pursuing all those endeavors. 

There is something that makes this gig more unique than just a bullshit motivational brand. I am not in the business of acting like some hardass or asserting my self-assumed dominance over other folks. Nobody really cares and there's no shortage of egotistic dick swingers out there already. They're a dime a dozen and most are just as corny as the next. However, I'm kind of experimenting/challenging myself to create something under slightly different circumstances.

I feel that most of these types of pages/accounts/businesses are built around a person. More specifically, someone's desire for fame. Someone's name, someone's face, someone's physical being. They exist and thrive on your attention. You can run into them at the supermarket, you could recognize them in the airport or walking down the street, they may walk into your gym (Hell, you might go to their gym just to see them). Point being is today, people spend too much time envying other humans when they could and should be living life themselves.

I want exactly fucking none of that attention BS.

Hence the whole theme of ZZS. I want it to have zero identity. In fact, I'm hoping the lack of a tangible face helps you apply the mindset to your life. YOU can be Zig Zag Society. I want YOU to fill that void with yourself, your situation, your goals. The feeling of connecting and inspiring others anonymously as just a regular guy myself will be far more rewarding than being a widely known individual. An extremely close mentor of mine growing up instilled a very simple concept in me from a young age. He told me I should always SEEK SUCCESS, WITHOUT FAME. Furthermore, there are ways to accomplish a fruitful, rewarding life without becoming a celebrity or online sensation. My dream life is not identical to yours, nor is yours to your neighbor's, nor the neighbor to them. However, the very basic principles can be applied to each and every one of our scenarios. I have no desire to inflate my personal ego by accruing thousands of fans. I want ZZS to feel more inclusive than just a bunch of folks idolizing an individual. I am begging you to go out and live your best life on your own accord! Do fun shit! Build cool shit! Try new shit! Express yourself in everything you do! Own it! (...and don't forget to bring ZZS along for the ride)

After all that fluff, here is the bottom line to this entire passage. I am building this account around the idea of being completely unknown. Zig Zag Society will remain faceless and nameless as it encompasses anybody and everybody who chooses to embody our values. I have a message and a passion for pushing one's self but I also enjoy minding my own business. I'm just a regular dude with an irregular vision. My top priority is to keep this project humble and genuine. It's not solely about me or any other individual. It's about us and the ambitiously unique community we can build around this thing. So as much as I challenge everyone to embrace ZZS, I am also challenging myself to create something from nothing.

Cheers to new friends, new family, new goals, new accomplishments. Let's see where this ride may take us.

Who I am doesn't matter. I'm a practitioner of many things, expert of maybe one or two.  

Nonetheless, I'm anything and everything I want to be and so are you.

You see? My face does not matter because my face is not what's important. I seek no personal recognition for what I am creating, I merely wish to spread inspiration to like-minded individuals. Forget what I look like, who cares what my name is and to hell with my social status. When ZZS crosses your mind, I want the mentality to flood your thoughts, not my face.

With that being said, let me answer who is Zig Zag Society. The folks who go outside their comfort zones to broaden their horizons. I'm not here to tell you what to try, where to try it or how. I'm here to inspire why you should. Life is too damn short to stay in a bubble. What do I mean? Push boundaries, ask questions, learn new things, spit in the face of skepticism...

...because when you die, what stories will be there to tell about you?